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Wellen's Synthetic Differential Geometry

A couple of weeks ago I went to a research meeting in pittsburgh with various HoTT folks. One of them was Felix Wellen, who gave a really interesting talk about doing synthetic differential geometry using a modality. You can read his thesis, or look at these slides, or read this ncatlab.org summary written by his advisor. I'm going to just expositorily summarize what I understood of it, and add on a very conjectural half-baked idea that I had following another really interesting talk by Ulrik Buchholtz.

What's the main idea?

In regular HoTT, it's cool that you get to do synthetic homotopy theory by just having types and identity types and univalence: you don't need to do a bunch of set theory and point-set topology to build up the structures over which homotopy theory is traditionally defined, you can just have types which, if correctly axiomatized, behave just like spaces up to homotopy, and all definable functions in the type theory are homotopy invariant. Wellen's idea appears to be --- and I found this surprising and exciting -- that it doesn't take very much additional structure on top of the HoTT we know and love to start doing synthetic differential geometry; basically, you just have to assume the existence of some unknown modality.

What you get from modalities

I mean 'modality' in the sense of book HoTT, section 7.7, which really means (as is poitned out in the Notes) an idempotent monadic modality, as opposed to say, comonadic ones. I get the feeling this is common terminology for HoTT folks, but with my logician hat on, I confess it always sounds weird, since for us, a modality can mean just about anything; it's scarcely more specific a term than 'type constructor'.

Anyway, let's postulate a modality, call it $I : \rset \to \rset$, which comes equipped with a natural transformation $\eta_A : A \to IA$. The intuition is that $I$ takes a type, thought of as a space containing some elements that are infinitesimally close to one another, and, well, it collapses all points that are infinitesimally close to one another.

Right away we can define the tangent space $T_a$ at a point $a \in A$. It's

$T_\_ : \{A : \rset\} \to A \to \rset$
$T_\_\ \{A\}\ a = (a_0 : A) \x (\eta a \equiv \eta a_0)$
That is, $T_a$ is just the points in $A$ itself that are those that collide with $a$ after application of $\eta$, i.e. those that are infinitesimally close to $a$. We think of such an infinitesimal partner $a_0$ of $a$ as a tangent vector pointing from $a$ to $a_0$.

We can define the entire tangent bundle $T_\infty A$ by just taking a sigma over all of $A$:

$T_\infty : \rset \to \rset$
$T_\infty\ A = (a : A) \x T_a$

A baby theorem

Probably the simplest possible example of what you can prove from this definition that illustrates how the type structure gives you sensible things 'for free' is just showing that functions from one type to another are automatically 'differentiable'.

What does this actually mean? That if you have a function $f : A \to B$, you get a map on the tangent spaces, $(a : A) (v : T_a) \to T_{f(a)}$. This is the derivative of $f$ in the direction $v$!

$\mathsf{deriv} : \{A\ B : \rset\} (f : A \to B) (v : T_a) \to T_{f\ a}$
$\mathsf{deriv} : \{A\}\ \{B\}\ f\ (a_0 , (p : \eta a \equiv \eta a_0)) = (f\ a_0, \cdots)$
where the missing path expression '$\cdots$' is a proof that $\eta f a \equiv \eta f a_0$. But because we have naturality for $\eta$, we know $\eta f a = f \eta a$, so this is the same thing as showing that $f\eta a = f\eta a_0$, which trivially follows from $p$ by $\mathsf{ap}$-ing $f$.

Merely having a monad around, and doing utterly routine path-induction reasoning on paths, means us the fact that every function we can define is automatically differentiable! I think that's really cool.

A slightly less trivial theorem

Wellen's example in his slides of a theorem we can prove synthetically goes like this:

We can define an $H$-space (i.e. a topological unital magma) as being a set $X$ together with

  1. $e : X$
  2. $\mu : X \x X \to X$
  3. $(x : X) \to \mu\ e\ x \equiv x$
  4. $(x : X) \to \mu\ x\ e \equiv x$
and say that it's left invertible if $(x : X) \to \mathsf{isEquiv}(\lambda y . \mu\ y\ x)$. The theorem is

Theorem Suppose $(V, e, \mu)$ is a left invertible $H$-space, and let $\mathbb{D} = T_e$ be the tangent space at the unit. Then the tangent bundle of $V$ is trivial, i.e. there is an equivalence $e: T_\infty V \to \mathbb{D} \x V$.

And I can almost picture how you'd go about just hacking this up! The input to $e$ is essentially two infinitesimally close points, and you use the equivalence that constitutes left invertibility to transport this back to find a point infinitesimally close to the unit of the $H$-space, using again using functoriality of $T$.

Half-Baked Idea

Later on Ulrik was talking about topological groups and trying to encode orientability of manifolds, which seemed to depend on sussing out the dimension of them as well.

I was able to formulate the following, but I don't know if it's workable or not. Say an automorphism of the tangent space $T_a$ fixing the 'zero vector' is a swirl at $a$.

$\mathsf{0}_\_ : \{A : \rset\} (a : A) \to T_a$
$\mathsf{0}_a = (a, \mathsf{idp})$
$\mathsf{swirls} : (A : \rset) (a : A) \to \rset$
$\mathsf{swirls}\ A\ a = (f : T_a \to T_a) \x (f\ {\mathsf 0_a} \equiv {\mathsf 0_a})$
Then a global swirl of a set $A$ is a function $(a : A) \to \mathsf{swirls}\ A\ a$, and a loop in the space of global swirls of $A$ is a map from the circle $\mathsf{S}^1$ to $(a : A) \to \mathsf{swirls}\ A\ a$.

Conjecture Under possibly further suitable axioms or assumptions, types $A$ that 'are 2-dimensional orientable manifolds' have the property that \[ \mathsf{S}^1 \to (a : A) \to \mathsf{swirls}\ A\ a \equiv \mathbb{Z}\] since it makes some intuitive sense to me that if you have to come up with a consistent amount of 'spin' across a whole 2-dimensional sheet, you have to either spin each tangent space around (clockwise or counterclockwise) zero times, or once, or twice, or etc., and if your space $A$ isn't orientable at all, you'll only be able to not spin it, and you'll have instead \[ \mathsf{S}^1 \to (a : A) \to \mathsf{swirls}\ A\ a \equiv \top\]