jcreed blog > Cache Types

Cache Types

Say a cache type is a triple of types $G, C, B$, with some morphisms and equations to follow.

But I want to start by describing rough shape of the example I have in mind is. The type $B$ is the type of the base state. Think of it as the type that describes cells in a spreadsheet that have actual, concrete numbers in them. The type $C$ is the cache state, for example maybe $B \x (D + 1)$. It represents the whole spreadsheet — or, well, a funny kind of lazy spreadsheet — where the base state is there, and also a "cell with a formula", a computation that computes something derived from the base state, of type $D$. Suppose $f : B \to D$ is the name of that computation. We say $D + 1$ because we want to talk about times when the cache is empty, or otherwise invalidated. Finally, $G$ is the type of good cache states. For example, $G$ can be set to $B \x 2$. It represents the fact that the cache can be empty or full, but records the fact that if the cache is full, there's only one correct value for it to have. The type $C = B \x (D + 1)$ includes lots of inconsistent cache states like $( b, \mathsf{Just}\ d)$, when $d \ne f(b)$.

So the morphisms and equations we require are the following:

We require two retraction pairs, whose composite is also an retraction. In our example, the injection $\iota : B \to B \x 2$ by always choosing the element $\mathsf{false}$ of 2; the initial state of the cache is empty. The injection $\eta : B \x 2 \to B \x (D + 1)$ is defined by \[ \eta(b, \mathsf{true}) = ( b, \mathsf{Just}(f(b)) ) \] \[ \eta(b, \mathsf{false}) = ( b, \mathsf{None} ) \] It describes what a good cache state is, concretely. Either a full cache, whose contents are consistent with the base state, or an empty cache. The projection $\epsilon : B \x (D + 1) \to B \x 2$ simply throws away the data in $D$ and just returns the bit of whether the cache is full. The projection $\pi : B \x 2 \to B$ throws away even that bit of information.


The point of setting up these definitions is to be able to talk about the morphisms in a category whose objects are cache types. I'll say a morphism from $(G, C, B)$ to $(G', C', B')$ is a triple of morphisms that make the following diagram commute:
The important one is $h$; because of the other arrows being mono/epi, the morphisms $\hat h$ and $\check h$ are uniquely determined, if any such arrows exist and fit into their place in the commutative diagram.

Let's first talk about why these commutative squares are being required, and then why the squares that aren't required, aren't required.

The top square essentially says: If we have a good cache state, and we inject that into $C$, and do some consistent computation to it, it should also result in a good state. This is a sensible abstract "preserves a property" kind of requirement when we think of $C$ as the implementation type of the caching discipline. The morphism $h$ is the actual concrete program we run, and the potential existence of $\hat h$ is a mathematical abstraction guaranteeing (part of) its correctness.

The bottom square is saying: if we do some computation and lose the cache, we should still have the same underlying data as if we had lost the cache earlier, and done the underlying comptuation on the base state.

Now for the squares we didn't require:

The top square of this would require that our main computation $h$ does not depend on the value in of the cache, that it can be represented as merely a function $G \to G'$. But this deprives us from expressing computations whose intention is to use a cached value, as opposed to recomputing it from the base state. And that's point of this whole exercise!

The bottom square is telling us that if we initialize the cache from some base state, and do some computation with it, that has to be the same as doing the "raw" computation, and then initializing the cache. This would undesirably prevent us from doing computations that, e.g. do nothing but simply transition the cache from empty to full by performing the expensive operation whose output we want cached.

Expressing Morphisms Another Way

Instead of demanding triples, we can express the existence of $\hat h$ and $\check h$ equationally in terms of $h$. We can require because when this happens we can set Conversely, whenever we have $\hat h$ and $\check h$ satisfying the diagram above it's just a matter of composing on and then using the retraction equations to get back the requirements above.


The category of cache-types has for objects triples of sets $(G, C, B)$ such that
and whose morphisms $(G, C, B) \to (G', C', B')$ are morphisms $h : C \to C'$ such that


If we have a morphism $u : B \to B$, then a slightly nontrivial example of a morphism from $((B \x 2), (B \x (D + 1)), B)$ to itself is \[ v(b, d) = \mathop\mathbf{if} b = u(b) \mathop\mathbf{then} (b, d) \mathop\mathbf{then} (u(b), \mathsf{Just}(f(u(b)))\] The fact that the equations are satisfied can be checked without any cleverness.