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Action/Proposition Logic

As I was noodling around with the ideas in the previous post, it really seems like fact the sequent calculus for ordered logic as described by Pfenning and Polakow and dynamic logic ought to be overlapping subsets of a single logic that is a common generalization of both. But I can't quite figure out how! Here's a point where I regrettably really don't know the literature enough, and it seems very possible that someone has already written this down. I asked Stepan about it while at FLoC, and he referred me at least to Buszkowski's work and some old stuff by Vaughan Pratt from the early 90s.

Nonetheless I'm just going to forge ahead, as I usually do, seeing if I can work it out for myself from scratch!

Propositions and Actions

As before, the underlying nature of the subjects of judgments in the system is such that propositions are unary properties of kripke-esque worlds, and actions are binary propositions. (The questions of what happens with $n$-ary relations, or what happens with higher-dimensional relation-like structures, are extremely interesting, but I reluctantly postpone them for now) Since additives don't care about, and merely preserve arity, I'm going to overload $\top, 0, \&, \oplus$ across the two syntactic categories.. The complete syntax of propositions $A$ and actions $\alpha$ is \[A ::= 0 \celse \top \celse A \oplus A \celse A \& A \celse A \imp A \celse [\alpha]A \celse p \] \[\alpha ::= 0 \celse \top \celse \alpha \oplus \alpha \celse \alpha \& \alpha \celse 1 \celse \alpha \cdot \alpha \celse \alpha \rrto \alpha \celse \alpha \llto \alpha \celse ? A \celse \pi \] And the inference rules go like so, ignoring the additives $0,\top,\oplus,\&$, which contain no surprises.

Action Atom

\[ \over \Gamma, \pi, \Gamma' \prov \pi \]

Action Left

\[ { \Delta, \Delta' \prov C \over \Delta, 1, \Delta' \prov C} \qquad { \Delta, \alpha, \beta, \Delta' \prov C \over \Delta, \alpha \cdot \beta, \Delta' \prov C } \qquad { \Delta, A, \Delta' \prov C \over \Delta, ?A, \Delta' \prov C } \] \[ {\Delta_2 \prov \alpha \qquad \Delta_1, \beta, \Delta_3 \prov C \over \Delta_1, \alpha \rrto \beta, \Delta_2, \Delta_3 \prov C} \qquad {\Delta_2 \prov \alpha \qquad \Delta_1, \beta, \Delta_3 \prov C \over \Delta_1, \Delta_2, \alpha \llto \beta, \Delta_3 \prov C} \]

Action Right

\[ { \over \Gamma \prov 1} \qquad { \Delta \prov \alpha\qquad \Delta'\prov \beta \over \Delta, \Delta' \prov \alpha \cdot \beta } \qquad { \Gamma \prov A \over \Gamma \prov {?}A } \] \[ {\Delta, \alpha \prov \beta \over \Delta \prov \alpha \rrto \beta} \qquad {\alpha, \Delta \prov \beta \over \Delta \prov \alpha \llto \beta} \]

Proposition Atom

\[ \over \Delta, p\prov p \]

Proposition Left

\[ { \Delta \prov A \qquad \Delta, B, \Delta' \prov C \over \Delta, A \imp B, \Delta' \prov C } \qquad { \Delta_2\prov \alpha \qquad \Delta_1, \Delta_2 ,A, \Delta_3 \prov C \over \Delta_1, [\alpha]A, \Delta_2, \Delta_3 \prov C } \]

Proposition Right

\[ { \Delta, A \prov B \over \Delta \prov A \imp B } \qquad { \Delta, \alpha \prov A \over \Delta \prov [\alpha]A } \] The cut principle for actions is
If $\Delta_2\prov \alpha$ and $\Delta_1, \alpha, \Delta_3 \prov J$, then $\Delta_1, \Delta_2, \Delta_3 \prov J$.
Let $\Delta_0 \ge \Delta$ mean that $\Delta_0$ arises from extending $\Delta$ by adding only propositions (not actions) to it, in perhaps various places in the middle. The cut principle for propositions is
If $\Delta_0 \prov A$ and $\Delta, A, \Delta' \prov J$, and $\Delta_0 \ge \Delta$, then $\Delta_0, \Delta' \prov J$.

Untethered Semantics

The style of semantics I was giving before isn't quite the right thing to match up with this syntax, because it is untethered (see frank's notes and a paper by rob simmons for more occurrences of this concept). But I'm going to describe it anyway, since it's a simpler version to get started with. One could give a sequent calculus for it, and it would involve thinking more in terms of never deleting things from the context, and instead merely manipulating cursors in it. Or one could of course go full simpson-style and just expose the worlds and relations directly in the syntax, while keeping it constructive.

Recall that a proposition is interpreted as a function taking in a kripke world and spitting out a metalanguage proposition, and and an action is a function taking two kripke worlds, and spitting out a metalanguage proposition. The semantics of propositions would be \[ 0(u) = \bot \] \[(A \oplus B)(u) = A(u) \lor B(u)\] \[ \top(u) = \top \] \[(A \& B)(u) = A(u) \land B(u)\] \[(A \imp B)(u) = A(u) \imp B(u)\] \[ ([\alpha]A)(u) = \forall v . \alpha(u, v) \imp A(v) \] and of actions \[1(u, v) = (u = v)\] \[(\alpha \cdot \beta)(u, v) = \exists x . \alpha(u, x) \land \beta(x, v)\] \[(\alpha \llto \beta)(u, v) = \forall x . \alpha(x, u) \imp \beta(x, v)\] \[(\alpha \rrto \beta)(u, v) = \forall x . \alpha(v, x) \imp \beta(u, x)\] \[0(u, v) = \bot\] \[(\alpha \oplus \beta)(u, v) = \alpha(u, v) \lor \beta(u, v)\] \[\top(u, v) = \top\] \[(\alpha \& \beta)(u, v) = \alpha(u, v) \land \beta(u, v)\] \[(? A)(u, v) = A \land (u = v)\]


A counterexample to the completeness of this semantics relative to even the inference rules of pure ordered logic (i.e. not even requiring any use of $[\alpha]A$) is \[\alpha \llto \beta \rrto 0 , \beta \prov (\alpha \llto 0)\cdot \beta\]

Clearly this isn't provable in ordered logic. If we assume $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are positive atoms, then we can't left focus on $\alpha \llto \beta \rrto 0$ for lack of $\alpha$, so we must focus on the right, spending the only $\beta$ we have.

However, in the semantics, we suppose that we have some worlds $u, v, w$ and $(\alpha \llto \beta \rrto 0)(u, v)$ and $\beta(v, w)$, and we are to show $((\alpha \llto 0)\cdot \beta)(u, w)$. Expanding out definitions, what we have is \[\forall x . \alpha(x, u) \to \forall y . \beta(v, y) \to 0(x, y)\] \[\beta(v, w)\] and we are to show \[\exists s . (\forall t . \alpha(t, u) \to 0(t, s)) \land \beta(s, w)\] so we pick $s := v$, let $t$ be given, choose $x := t$, choose $y := w$, and we're left with the obligation to prove \[ 0(t, w) \prov 0(t, v)\] and even though $w \ne v$, this is still provable, since $0$ at any interval on the left lets us finish the proof.

Tethered Semantics

What goes wrong with the immediately above example is that we are picking worlds to instantiate quantifiers that violate the assumption that when we do $\cdot R$, the context is actually divided and the two branches don't have access to the other half of the context. However, the semantics only adjusts some notion of where the endpoints of the context are from the point of view of the proposition on the right of the sequent: the universal quantifiers appearing on the left don't know what this interval is, and so can't restrict their choices to be inside it.

To do a 'tethered semantics' in this case means that we want to be able to somehow propagate exactly that interval information from the right to the left. We will proceed much like like the tethered semantics of modal logic, and polarize the syntax of propositions and actions, and use a linear token to keep track of the 'current context interval'. There are now four syntactic categories:

$\textrm{Positive Props}$ $A ::= \dns B \celse 0 \celse A \oplus A \celse p^+$
$\textrm{Negative Props}$ $B ::= \ups A \celse \top \celse B \& B \celse A \imp B \celse [\alpha]B \celse p^-$
$\textrm{Positive Actions}$ $\alpha ::= \dns \beta \celse 0 \celse \alpha \oplus \alpha \celse 1 \celse \alpha \cdot \alpha \celse ?A \celse \pi^+$
$\textrm{Negative Actions}$ $\beta ::= \ups \alpha \celse \top \celse \beta \& \beta \celse \alpha \llto \beta \celse \alpha \rrto \beta \celse \pi^-$
And there are four interpretation functions, with varying numbers of arguments, but all of them are kripke worlds: \[A_v \qquad B^t_{wv}\qquad \alpha^u_v \qquad \beta^{tu}_{wv} \] And we postulate some linear token $\#$ and define: \[ (\ups \alpha)^{tu}_{wv} = \ups (\# \otimes \alpha^u_v) \] \[ (\dns \beta)^{u}_{v} = \dns \forall tw.\ups (\# \lol \beta^{tu}_{wv}) \] Ah... No, I'm kind of confused at this point. My selection of which syntactic categories get which arguments doesn't seem coherent enough. Oh well!