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Focusing and Ends

At this point I have a hunch that there is a nice theorem saying something interesting about focusing and the well-known-for-decades end/coend calculus, but I'm still struggling pretty hard trying to figure out what precisely it is.

Somehow the usual diagrams you draw about composing extranatural transformations in a cycle-free way don't feel like they're telling the entire story I want to understand. Pairwise composability is one thing, but I want to know which 'big-step connectives' (in the sense familiar from when you talk about focusing) are legitimate.

Some Things You Can't Do

The observations in this subsection aren't anything that isn't covered by the "no cycles" rule, but I found it interesting to go over the details of them.

Some things that aren't sound, written as inference rules, include \[{F^{aa}_{aa} \over \exists b . F^{ab}_{ab}}\textcolor{red}{\times} \qquad {F^a_a \to G^a_a \over (\forall b . F^b_b) \to G^a_a}\textcolor{red}{\times}\] Some conventions for how to read these: $a$ is a free variable in every rule, an object of some category $\A$. There's an implicit end taken, over this variable, over the top and bottom of each rule. I'm writing ends as $\forall$ and coends as $\exists$. Arguments to functors $F, G, H$, etc. are written as superscripts if they're contravariant, and subscripts if they're covariant. So, for example, in more usual notation, the first rule is saying that if we have an inhabitant of \[\int_{a\in \A} F(a, a, a, a) \] for some functor $F : \A^\op \x \A^\op \x \A \x \A \to \rset$, then we should also have an inhabitant of \[\int_{a\in \A} \int^{b\in \A} F(a, b, a, b) \] And, in fact, this isn't true! A counterexample is when $\A$ is the arrow category $d \to e$, and

$F^{ee}_{dd}$ $F^{ee}_{de}$ $F^{ee}_{ed}$ $F^{ee}_{ee}$
$F^{ed}_{dd}$ $F^{ed}_{de}$ $F^{ed}_{ed}$ $F^{ed}_{ee}$
$F^{de}_{dd}$ $F^{de}_{de}$ $F^{de}_{ed}$ $F^{de}_{ee}$
$F^{dd}_{dd}$ $F^{dd}_{de}$ $F^{dd}_{ed}$ $F^{dd}_{ee}$
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
Writing here $0$ and $1$ for the empty set and the singleton set, with all the morphisms being uniquely determined.

If you do the calculation, you find that the coend along the rightmost two arguments (one covariant and one contravariant) gives you that

$\exists b . F^{eb}_{db}$ $\exists b .F^{eb}_{eb}$
$\exists b .F^{db}_{db}$ $\exists b .F^{eb}_{eb}$
0 1
1 2
with the morphisms $\exists b .F^{db}_{db} \to \exists b .F^{db}_{eb}$ and $\exists b .F^{eb}_{eb} \to \exists b .F^{db}_{eb}$ being the two distinct injections $e \to 2$. This means that $\forall a . \exists b .F^{ab}_{ab}$ is uninhabited since there's no 'consistent' way of choosing an inhabitant of $\exists b .F^{db}_{db}$ (of which there is only one) and an inhabitant of $\exists b .F^{eb}_{eb}$ (of which there is also only one) which transport to the same element in $\exists b . F^{db}_{eb}$, which is what the end-property requires.

Similarly, we can find a counterexample for the other unsound rule above. We take $\A = d \to e$ again, and set

$F^{e}_{d}$ $F^{e}_{e}$
$F^{d}_{d}$ $F^{d}_{e}$
0 1
1 1
$G^{e}_{d}$ $G^{e}_{e}$
$G^{d}_{d}$ $G^{d}_{e}$
0 1
1 2

Some Things You Can Do

Here are some rules that are sound: You can use $\forall L$ rule at multiple variances, as long as they're separated by a product: \[ F^{a}_{at^a_a} \x H^{at^a_a}_a \to G^{a}_{a} \over (\forall b . F^{a}_{a b} \x H^{a b}_a) \to G^{a}_{a} \] (where $t$ is understood to be some functor $\A^\op \x \A \to \C$, and $F : \A^\op \x \A \x \C \to \rset$ and $H : \A^\op \x \A \x \C^\op \to \rset$ and $G : \A^\op \x \A \to \rset$)

You can use the $\exists R$ rule at multiple variances, if the term you're substituting for the variable is itself covariant or contravariant in its arguments, but not both at once: \[ {F^{a}_{au_a} \x H^{au_a}_a \over \exists b . F^{a}_{ab} \x H^{ab}_a} \qquad {F^{a}_{av^a} \x H^{av^a}_a \over \exists b . F^{a}_{ab} \x H^{ab}_a} \] (where $u$ is a functor $\A \to \C$, and $v : \A^\op \to \C$)

You can use the $\exists R$ rule for a term that is both variances at once, as long as you only use it with one variance: \[ {H^{a}_{at^a_a} \over \exists b . H^{a}_{ab}} \textcolor{red}{\star} \qquad {H^{a^a_a}_{at} \over \exists b . H^{ab}_{a}} \] You can do synchronous quantifier rules followed immediately by the init rule, with arbitrary variances: \[ { \over (\forall b . F^{ab}_{ab}) \to F^{at^a_a}_{at^a_a}} \qquad { \over F^{at^a_a}_{at^a_a} \to \exists b . F^{ab}_{ab} } \textcolor{blue}{\star} \]

A Thing You Can Do That Smells Strongly of Focusing

Finally, let me point out a rule that's sound that feels exactly like a requirement that a positive atom "is already in the context". It subsumes the rules marked $\textcolor{red}{\star}$ and $\textcolor{blue}{\star}$ above. \[ { G^a_a \to H^a_{at^a_a} \over F^{at^a_a}_{at^a_a} \x G^a_a \to \exists b . F^{ab}_{ab} \x H^a_{ab} } \textcolor{green}{\checkmark} \] It is worth comparing this to a similar, unsound, rule with a cut baked in: \[ { G^a_a \to H^a_{at^a_a} \qquad G^a_a \to F^{at^a_a}_{at^a_a} \over G^a_a \to \exists b . F^{ab}_{ab} \x H^a_{ab} }\textcolor{red}{\times} \] Why is this unsound? Because if we replace $G$ and $H$ both with the constantly-singleton set-valued functor, and choose the functor $t^x_y = y$, this becomes \[ { 1 \to 1 \qquad 1 \to F^{aa}_{aa} \over 1 \to \exists b . F^{ab}_{ab} \x 1 }\textcolor{red}{\times} \] which is just the \[ { F^{aa}_{aa} \over \exists b . F^{ab}_{ab} }\textcolor{red}{\times} \] that we saw was unsound earlier.

But critically, the difference between the $\textcolor{green}{\checkmark}$ rule and its unsound partner is the sound version resembles the focusing "big connective" rule \[ \Gamma \prov [ H(a, a, t(a, a))] \over \Gamma, F^+(a, a, t(a, a), t(a, a)) \prov \exists b . [F^+(a, a, b, b) \tensor H(a, a, b)] \] that requires us to choose the instantiation for the existential quantifier and then immediately have the positive atomic proposition $F$ in the context already in a way that's compatible with that instantiation choice.