jcreed blog > Thoughts on Braids

Thoughts on Braids

Define $G(n)$ to be the free groupoid on the following graph:
We have two objects, $\nn$ and $\ss$, and $n+1$ morphisms running between them, $m_0, \ldots, m_n$, as well as their inverses $m^{-1}_0, \ldots, m^{-1}_n$.

Let's define a sequence of functors $(\sigma_i : G(n) \to G(n) \st i \in \{1, \ldots, n-1\})$ like so: \[ \begin{array}{rcl} \sigma_i(\nn) &=& \nn\\ \sigma_i(\ss) &=& \ss\\ \sigma_i(m_j) &=& j \qquad (i \ne j)\\ \sigma_i(m_i) &=& m_{i-1}m_i^{-1} m_{i+1}\\ \end{array} \] This maps one of the morphisms in the category into a zig-zag involving the preceding and succeeding morphisms:

We can define functors $\sigma^{-1}_i$ very similarly: \[ \begin{array}{rcl} \sigma^{-1}_i(\nn) &=& \nn\\ \sigma^{-1}_i(\ss) &=& \ss\\ \sigma^{-1}_i(m_j) &=& j \qquad (i \ne j)\\ \sigma^{-1}_i(m_i) &=& m_{i+1}m_i^{-1} m_{i-1}\\ \end{array} \]


I claim that these functors behave just like the generators of the Artin braid group on $n$ strands. The functor/generator $\sigma_i$ realizes the crossing of the $i^{th}$ and the $(i+1)^{th}$ strands in one direction, and $\sigma_i^{-1}$ the other direction.
We have the following properties:

Characterizing the Braid Subset

The above properties let us map the braid group into the automorphisms of the groupoid $G(n)$, but of course there are lots of other functors $G(n) \to G(n)$ that are not generated by the $\sigma_i, \sigma^{-1}_i$. For one thing, we could swap $\nn$ and $\ss$. But let's fix an $n$ and try to note some properties that are possessed by all functors $F$ that are composites of some sequence of $\sigma_i, \sigma^{-1}_i$. Let's do the easy ones first:
  1. $F \nn = \nn$
  2. $F \ss = \ss$
  3. $F m_0 = m_0$
  4. $F m_n = m_n$
Now let's think about some ways that $G(1)$ can map into $G(n)$. The groupoid $G(1)$ is just the circle. Define $\mathcal E_i : G(1) \to G(n)$ to be the functor that takes \[ \begin{array}{rcl} \mathcal E_i(\nn) &=& \nn\\ \mathcal E_i(\ss) &=& \ss\\ \mathcal E_i(m_0) &=& m_i\\ \mathcal E_i(m_1) &=& m_{i+1}\\ \end{array} \]
A property that we observe holds for any $F$ that arises as a composite of some sequence $\sigma_i, \sigma^{-1}_i$ is:
  1. There exists a permuation $\pi : \{0,\ldots,n-1\} \to \{0,\ldots,n-1\}$ such that for every $i \in \{0,\ldots,n-1\}$ there is a natural isomorphism $F \circ \mathcal E_i \cong \mathcal E_{\pi i}$
Finally, we guess that these properties are enough to characterize an embedding of the braid group:

Conjecture: The subgroup of automorphisms of $G(n)$ that consist of the $F$ that satisfy properties (1)-(5) above is isomorphic to the Artin braid group $B_n$. If (5) is replaced by the stronger property

then we obtain instead the pure braid group $P_n$.