Coxeter Groups and Chebyshev Polynomials
A Coxeter group is an abstract group that's meant to behave
like a group of reflections in Euclidean space. An important thing
to notice about reflections is that whenever you compose two of
them in a row, you get a rotation by twice the angle between them.
Why is this? Let's restrict our attention to 2 dimensions without
loss of generality. Again without loss, suppose $\phi_0$ is reflection about the $x$-axis.
Let's call $\phi_\theta$ the operation of reflection about the line that is the $x$-axis rotated by angle $\theta$.
Say $R_\theta$ is rotation by theta. Notice that $\phi_\theta$ is $\phi_0$ conjugated by $R_\theta$:
\[ \phi_\theta = R_\theta \phi_0 R_{-\theta}\]
But it's also the case that conjugating a rotation by a reflection inverts the rotation:
\[ R_{-\theta} = \phi_0 R_\theta \phi_0\]
\[\phi_a \phi_b = R_a \phi_0 R_{-a}R_b \phi_0 R_{-b}\]
\[= R_a \phi_0 R_{b-a} \phi_0 R_{-b}\]
\[= R_a \phi_0 R_{b-a} R_{b} \phi_0\]
\[= R_a \phi_0 R_{2b-a} \phi_0\]
\[= R_a R_{-2b+a} \phi_0 \phi_0\]
\[= R_a R_{-2b+a} \]
\[= R_{2(a-b)} \]
So the composition of two reflections is a rotation, by twice the angle between the hyperplanes of reflection.
If the angle between the reflections' hyperplanes is a rational multiple of a full rotation $2\pi$, then
the degree of $\phi_i \phi_j$ is a finite integer.
So this is some motivation for the definition of a Coxeter System, some generators
and relations that together give a group. You pick $n$ generators $\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_n$ that
are supposed to be distinct reflections,
and you pick a matrix $(m_{ij} \in \N \st 1 \le i,j\le n \land m_{ii} = 1 \land m_{ij} = m_{ji})$
of numbers that abstractly describe the angles between the reflections,
and you consider the group
\[ \langle \sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_n \st (\sigma_i\sigma_j)^{m_{ij}} = e\rangle\]
The classification of which matrices $m$ lead to finite groups and which lead to infinite groups
is really subtle and interesting. One key part of the proof is understanding the relationship
between the abstract Coxeter groups as defined by generators and relations, and concrete groups
of reflections in $\R^n$.
Linear Representation of Coxeter Groups
One direction of that understanding is the following fact. For
any abstract Coxeter group on $n$ generators, we can come up
with a linear representation of it as reflections in $\R^n$. Pick a basis $e_1, \ldots, e_n$.
Define a bilinear form $\ll v, w\rr$ by
\[ \ll e_i, e_j \rr = -\cos \left( \pi / m_{ij}\right)\]
and then the action of the generator $\sigma_i$ on a vector $v$ is defined by
\[ \sigma_i (v) = v - 2 \ll v, e_i \rr e_i \]
Ring Representation of Coxeter Groups
For some reason I wondered whether you could eliminate having to think about real numbers and trigonometric functions,
and still do the appropriate representation theory by using
just the polynomials in $\Z[x,\ldots]$ that characterize the $\cos(\pi/n)$. The following is as far as I got. I mostly
got stuck on trying to translate the Schläfli criterion about the bilinear form being positive definite, because
I don't know how to think about positiveness in $\Z[x,\ldots]$.
Defining Some "Chebyshev" Polynomials
I claim these are "morally" the Chebyshev polynomials, although they
differ by a factor of 2 in the recurrence involved, and the
initial conditions.
Define two $\Z$-indexed sequences of polynomials $P_n$ and $Q_n$, both satisfying the same recurrence for all $n\in \Z$:
\[ P_{n+2} = tP_{n+1} - P_n \]
\[ Q_{n+2} = tQ_{n+1} - Q_n \]
but initialize them differently by setting
\[ P_0 = 0 \qquad P_1 = 1\]
\[ Q_0 = 2 \qquad Q_1 = t\]
Proving Some Lemmas
Now we show a bunch of technical and seemingly unmotivated
identities involving these polynomials. They turn out to be just
what's needed to construct a representation of a Coxeter group in
a polynomial ring.
Lemma 1 $P$ is odd and $Q$ is even: $P_{-n} = -P_n$ and $Q_{-n} = Q_n$.
Proof By induction. First use the recurrence to see that $P_{-1}=-1$ and $Q_{-1}=t$.
Then observe by i.h. that $P_{-n} = kP_{n}$ and $P_{-n-1} = kP_{n+1}$, and we can show
\[P_{-n-2} = tP_{-n-1} - P_{-n} = tkP_{n+1} - kP_{n} = kP_{n+2}\]
as required.
Lemma 2 For any $n,m\in \Z$, we have
\[P_n Q_m + P_{m-n} = P_{m+n}\]
Proof First observe that it suffices to show for
nonnegative $m$, for if $m < 0$, then we can appeal to the fact that
\[ P_{-n} Q_{-m} + P_{(-m)-(-n)} = P_{(-m)+(-n)}\]
and realize this is equivalent by Lemma 1 to
\[ -P_{n} Q_{m} -P_{m-n} = -P_{m+n}\]
which suffices for what we need to show.
Now proceed by induction on $m$. The base cases are
\[P_n Q_0 + P_{0-n} = P_{0+n}\qquad P_n Q_1 + P_{1-n} = P_{1+n}\]
that is,
\[2P_n - P_{n} = P_{n}\qquad tP_n - P_{n-1} = P_{n+1}\]
which trivially hold. In the step case, we reason that
\[P_n Q_{m+1} + P_{m+1-n} = P_{m+1+n}\]
is the same thing as
\[P_n (tQ_{m} - Q_{m-1}) + (tP_{m-n}-P_{m-1-n}) = (tP_{m+n}-P_{m-1+n})\]
This is just the sum of two equations that we know by i.h., namely
\[tP_n Q_{m} + tP_{m-n} = tP_{m+n}\]
\[-P_n Q_{m-1} -P_{m-1-n} = -P_{m-1+n}\]
Lemma 3 For any $n\in \Z$, $m\in \N$, we have
\[(a)\ P_nP_m + P_{m+n+1} = P_{n+1}P_{m+1}\qquad (b)\ P_nP_{m+1} + P_{m-n} = P_{n+1}P_{m}\]
Proof By induction on $m$. The base cases are $m=0$ and $m=1$, and we get
\[ P_{n+1} = P_{n+1} \qquad P_n + P_{-n} = 0\]
\[P_n + P_{n+2} = P_{n+1}t\qquad P_nt - P_{n-1} = P_{n+1}\]
and the step case is easy to verify as before.
Corollary 4 For any $n,m\in \Z$, we have
\[P_nP_m + P_{m+n+1} = P_{n+1}P_{m+1}\]
Proof If $m \ge 0$, we're already done. Otherwise, $m \le -1$ so $-m-1 \ge 0$, and we have
(by $(b)$, substituting $m\mapsto -m-1$)
\[P_nP_{-m} + P_{-m-1-n} = P_{n+1}P_{-m-1}\]
which is equivalent to what we need.
Lemma 5 For any $n\in \Z$, $m\in \N$, we have
\[P_{m+1} P_{n+m} = \sum_{i=0}^{m} P_{n+2i} \]
Proof By induction on $m$. The base case is $m=0$, in which case $P_1 P_n = P_n$.
In the step case, we want to show
\[P_{m+2} P_{n+m+1} = \sum_{i=0}^{m+1} P_{n+2i} \]
but by the induction hypothesis this is the same as showing
\[P_{m+2} P_{n+m+1} = P_{m+1} P_{n+m} + P_{n+2m+2} \]
which follows directly from Corollary 4.
Representation of Coxeter Group in Polynomial Ring
Suppose we have an $n$-generator Coxeter system, so that we have a symmetric matrix $m_{ij}$ for $1 \le i,j \le n$
with $m_{ii} = 1$. Define
\[X = \{x_{ij} \st 1\le i \le j \le n \}\]
\[ P = \{P_{m_{ij}}(x_{ij}) \st 1\le i < j \le n \} \cup \{x_{ii} + 2 \st 1 \le i \le n\}\]
where $P_{m_{ij}}(x_{ij})$ means $P_{m_{ij}}$ with the variable $x$ replaced by $x_{ij}$.
We treat $x_{ji} = x_{ij}$ as denoting the same variable.
The ring we want to work over is $\Z[X]/(P)$:
we take the integers $\Z$, and adjoin a variable for every pair of numbers in $1,\ldots,n$,
and quotient by some polynomials that are intended to intuitively guarantee that
\[x_{ij} \approx 2\cos(\pi / m_{ij})\]
We define a representation of our given Coxeter group in $(\Z[X]/P)^n$. We define the action of a reflection
$\sigma_i$ on a vector $(v_1, \ldots, v_n) \in (\Z[X]/P)^n$ as follows:
\[(\sigma_i(v_1, \ldots, v_n))_j = v_j + x_{ij} v_i\]
The fact that we're quotienting by $x_{ii} + 2$ means that $x_{ii} = -1$: so we can equivalently say that
$\sigma_i$ flips the sign of the $i^{th}$ position
of the vector, and adds $x_{ij} v_i$ everywhere else:
\[(\sigma_i(v_1, \ldots, v_n))_j = \begin{cases}
-v_i & \text{if } i = j; \\
v_j + x_{ij} v_i & \text{otherwise.} \\
Theorem This actually is a representation: all Coxeter relations are satisfied.
Proof Consider a vector $v$, and focus on only its $i$ and $j$ coordinates, for $i < j$.
If we act on it with $\sigma_i$, the result is
\[(-v_i, v_j + x_{ij} v_i)\]
and if we then act on it with $\sigma_j$, the result is
\[((x_{ij}^2 - 1)v_i + x_{ij} v_j, -v_j - x_{ij} v_i)\]
Note that this is like we have multiplied our vector by the matrix
\[A_1 = \begin{pmatrix}x^2_{ij}-1& x_{ij}\\ -x_{ij}& -1\end{pmatrix}
= \begin{pmatrix}P_3& P_2\\ -P_2& -P_1\end{pmatrix}(x_{ij})\]
If we define
\[A_k =\begin{pmatrix}P_{2k+1}& P_{2k}\\ -P_{2k}& -P_{2k-1}\end{pmatrix}(x_{ij})\]
it is easy to check, using the recurrence that defines $P$, that $A_1 A_k = A_{k+1}$,
so that we have $A_k = (A_1)^k$. The Coxeter relations require that $A_{m_{ij}} = I$.
But we find that, modulo the polynomial $P_{m_{ij}}(x_{ij})$, that this does hold:
using Lemma 2 we can see that
\[P_k Q_{k+1} + 1 = P_{2k+1}\]
\[P_k Q_k = P_{2k}\]
\[P_k Q_{k-1} -1 = P_{2k-1}\]
so indeed $A_{m_{ij}} = I \pmod { P_{m_{ij}}}$.
The above reasoning accounts for the effect of iterating $\sigma_j\sigma_i$ on the coordinates $i,j$
of the vector $v$. Let's now consider the effect on some other coordinate $\ell \not\in \{i,j\}$. Wlog
$i < j < \ell$. We start with
\[ v = (\ldots, v_i, \ldots, v_j, \ldots, v_\ell, \ldots)\]
We hit this with $\sigma_i$ and get
\[ (\ldots, -v_i, \ldots, v_j + x_{ij} v_i, \ldots, v_\ell + x_{i\ell} v_i, \ldots)\]
We hit this with $\sigma_j$ and get
\[ (\ldots, (x_{ij}^2 - 1)v_i + x_{ij} v_j, \ldots, -v_j - x_{ij} v_i, \ldots, v_\ell + x_{i\ell} v_i + x_{j\ell}(v_j + x_{ij}v_i), \ldots)\]
It's easy to see how the pattern continues: after $t$ iterations of $\sigma_j\sigma_i$ the $\ell^{th}$ coordinate picks
up a sum of $x_{i\ell}$ times the state of the $i^{th}$ coordinate at every time step, plus $x_{j\ell}$ times the state
of the $j^{th}$ coordinate at every time step. That is,
\[((\sigma_j\sigma_i)^t v)_\ell = v_\ell + \left(x_{i\ell}\sum_{s = 0}^{t-1} ((\sigma_j\sigma_i)^t v)_i\right)
+ \left(x_{j\ell}\sum_{s = 0}^{t-1} ((\sigma_i\sigma_j)^t \sigma_i v)_j\right)\]
\[= v_\ell + \left(x_{i\ell}\sum_{s = 0}^{t-1} (P_{2s+1}(x_{ij})v_i + P_{2s}(x_{ij})v_j)\right) + {}\]
\[ \left(x_{j\ell}\sum_{s = 0}^{t-1} (P_{2s+2}(x_{ij})v_i + P_{2s+1}(x_{ij})v_j)\right)\]
By Lemma 5, we see for any $k\in \{0,1,2\}$ that
\[P_{t} P_{k+t-1} = \sum_{s=0}^{t-1} P_{2s + k} \]
\[0 = \sum_{s=0}^{t-1} P_{2s + k} \pmod{P_t} \]
and so
\[ ((\sigma_j\sigma_i)^{m_{ij}} v)_\ell = v_\ell \pmod{P_{m_{ij}}(x_{ij})}\]
as required. ∎