jcreed blog > The Higher-Dimensional Graph Game

The Higher-Dimensional Graph Game

The Game

When thinking about what shapes to allow in the definition of higher-dimensional graphs, there is an interesting sequence of alternating quantifiers. As is always the case with alternating quantifiers, it's possible to understand it as the playing of a game between two players; or, to say the same thing a different way, a dialogue where the two parties alternate making choices.

Let's imagine such a game between Dan and Eliza. The outcome of the game is meant to comprise, at the same time, a

  1. A definition of some higher-dimensional object, which will have vertices, and (something like) edges, and (something like) faces, and volumes, and so on.
  2. An example of such an object: an instance of the definition
Dan's choices determine the definition, and Eliza's choices the example.

Here's a imaginary dialog of one way they could choose to play the game:

$\ $Dan:What's the set of vertices? Let's call it $\mathsf \C_0$, the $0$-dimensional cells.
$\ $Eliza:I'll decide $\C_0$ is the set $\{A, B, C\}$. We want there to be morphisms, $1$-dimensional cells, in our structure, but I can't decide what they are until I know what their boundary is allowed to be in terms of the $\C_0$ I just decided on. Let's call this $\B_0$, the $0$-dimensional boundaries. What's in that set?
$\ $Dan:I'll decide that $\B_0 = \C_0 \x \C_0$. Every $1$-cell will need a domain and codomain. What's the set $\C_1$ of morphisms, then? I also want to know how to assign boundaries to all of them: I'll need a function $\partial : \C_1 \to \B_0$
$\ $Eliza:I'll decide $\C_1$ is the set $\{f, g, h\}$, and I'll say that $\partial f = \< A, B \>$ and $\partial g = \< B,C \>$ and $\partial h = \< A, C\>$. Now what's the set $\B_1$ of 1-dimensional shapes that serve as boundaries for $2$-cells? I'll also need to know $\partial : \B_1 \to \B_0$ to know how these boundaries relate to lower-dimensional ones. Hope you don't mind that I'm overloading $\partial$.
$\ $Dan:No problem. As for $\B_1$, let me introduce an auxiliary concept. Say $\P_1$ is the set of paths over $\C_1$. That is, an element of $\P_1$ is a list $[f_1, \ldots, f_n]$ of elements of $\C_1$, such that the codomain of $f_i$ (that is, $\pi_2 \partial f_i$) is equal to the domain of $f_{i+1}$ (that is, $\pi_1 \partial f_{i+1}$). And I can define $\partial : \P_1 \to \B_0$ by saying that the domain of $[f_1, \ldots, f_n]$ is the domain of $f_1$, and its codomain is that of $f_n$.

Now I can say that $\B_1$ is a pair of paths in $\P_1$, with the same boundary. That means $\partial :\B_1 : \B_0$ has an obvious definition: just take either path, and return its boundary.

Now what's $\C_2$ and $\partial : \C_2 \to \B_1$?

$\ $Eliza:Ok, I'll decide $\C_2$ is the set $\{\alpha, \beta\}$, and I'll say that $\partial \alpha = \< [f,g], h \>$ and $\partial \beta = \< h,[f,g] \>$. Now what's the set $\B_2$ of 2-dimensional shapes that serve as boundaries for $3$-cells, and what's $\partial : \B_2 \to \B_1$?
$\ $Dan:To define $\B_2$, let me again introduce a notion of "path". Say $\P_2$ is the set of pasting diagrams made up of cells from $\C_2$. [...]

The Rules

The rules that Dan and Eliza are supposed to follow are these. There is an infinite number of turns, and the sequence of them is the same in every game.
$E_0$)$\ $Elizachooses a set $\C_0$.
$D_0$)$\ $Danchooses a set $\B_0$.
$E_1$)$\ $Elizachooses a set $\C_1$, and a map $\partial : \C_1 \to \B_0$.
$D_1$)$\ $Danchooses a set $\B_1$, and a map $\partial : \B_1 \to \B_0$.
$E_2$)$\ $Elizachooses a set $\C_2$, and a map $\partial : \C_2 \to \B_1$.
$D_2$)$\ $Danchooses a set $\B_2$, and a map $\partial : \B_2 \to \B_1$.
$E_n)$$\ $Elizachooses a set $\C_n$, and a map $\partial : \C_n \to \B_{n-1}$.
$D_n)$$\ $Danchooses a set $\B_n$, and a map $\partial : \B_n \to \B_{n-1}$.
(For uniformity we could set $\B_{-1} = \top$, and have Dan and Eliza choose degenerate maps into $\top$ on turns $E_0$ and $D_0$)


The thing I want to take away from the example play above is that everything Dan says still makes sense even if we change the particulars of what Eliza says. That is, Dan's portion of the dialog hints at a description of a strategy for play for the entire game. The strategy is something like:
On turn $D_0$,$\ $Dansets $\B_0$ to be pairs of cells in $\C_0$.
On turn $D_1$,$\ $Dansets $\B_1$ to be pairs of composable paths in $\C_1$, with $\partial$ being the boundary of the overall path.
On turn $D_2$,$\ $Dansets $\B_2$ to be pairs of composable 2-dimensional pasting diagrams constructed from cells in $\C_2$, with $\partial$ being the boundary of the overall diagram.
On turn $D_n$,$\ $Dansets $\B_n$ to be pairs of composable $n$-dimensional pasting diagrams constructed from cells in $\C_n$, with $\partial$ being the boundary of the overall diagram.
Even though I haven't been very clear about the exact choices Dan is making — I'm handwaving about what exactly an $n$-dimensional pasting diagram means, and therefore I'm handwaving about what a higher-dimensional graph is — I still think it's reasonably clear that
A strategy for Dan in the above game in some sense is a particular definition of higher-dimensional graph
Why is this? Because having a strategy in a game means having a witness for a proposition of the form
"For every move Eliza makes, there exists a move Dan can make, so that for every move Eliza makes, there exists a move Dan can make, etc."
More specifically, if we actually have a constructive witness
$\delta : {}$
$\forall (\C_0 : \rset).\exist (\B_0 : \rset).$
$\forall (\C_1 : \rset)(\partial : \C_1 \to \B_0).\exist (\B_1 : \rset)(\partial : \B_1 \to \B_0).$
$\forall (\C_2 : \rset)(\partial : \C_2 \to \B_1).\exist (\B_2 : \rset)(\partial : \B_2 \to \B_1).$
(interpreting all the quantifiers as dependent types) then $\delta$ is able to tells us what all the boundary shapes are for its notion of graph, provided all the cells of lower dimensions with the appropriate boundaries. Furthermore the outcome of Eliza playing with Dan when Dan employs some particular strategy amounts to describing a particular object that satisfies that definition. We can think of Eliza's play as a term $\epsilon$ of type
$\epsilon : {}$
$\exists (\C_0 : \rset). \blet (B_0, \delta_0) = \delta\ \C_0 \bin$
$\exist (\C_1 : \rset)(\partial : \C_1 \to \B_0). \blet (\B_1,\partial,\delta_1) = \delta_0\ \C_1\ \partial \bin$
$\exist (\C_2 : \rset)(\partial : \C_2 \to \B_1). \blet (\B_2,\partial,\delta_2) = \delta_1\ \C_2\ \partial \bin$
Since this is an infinite game, there is no moment when one wins and one loses, but the existence of a strategy $\delta$ for Dan and a particular play $\epsilon$ by Eliza that is tailored to $\delta$ together imply that both players can keep playing indefinitely.

Another Example Strategy for Dan

The example sketched above feels reminiscent of arbitrary pasting diagrams from category theory. We could give a different example strategy for Dan where the result is instead more like semisimplicial types:
On turn $D_0$,$\ $Dansets $\B_0$ to be pairs of cells in $\C_0$.
On turn $D_1$,$\ $Dansets $\B_1$ to be oriented triangles that have two composable arrows on one side, and a parallel arrow on the other, made out of "arrows" in $\C_1$, with $\partial$ being the boundary of the overall path.
On turn $D_2$,$\ $Dansets $\B_2$ to be oriented tetrahedra made from "triangle fillers" in $\C_2$, with $\partial$ being the triangle at the base of the tetrahedron.
On turn $D_n$,$\ $Dansets $\B_n$ to be boundaries of ($n+1$)-simplices constructed from cells in $\C_n$.

Comparing Structures

We should have a way of talking about morphisms between structures. Suppose Eliza and Eve both play the game against the same Dan-strategy. Suppose Eliza and Dan's game results in sets $\C_0, \B_0, \C_1, \B_1, \ldots$, and Eve and Dan's game results in $\C'_0, \B'_0, \C'_1, \B'_1, \ldots$.

A morphism from Eliza's "graph" to Eve's should surely at least involve maps of cells $f_i : \C_i \to \C'_i$, and we'd like to be able to assert that boundaries are preserved. But problematically, the boundaries don't have the same types: \[\begin{CD} \C_1 @>\partial>> \B_0 \\ @V{f_1}VV @VV{???}V\\ \C'_1 @>>{\partial}> \B'_0 \end{CD}\] I think we need to assume that Dan's strategy is suitably functorial, so that we can write something like \[\begin{CD} \C_1 @>\partial>> \beta_0(C_0) \\ @V{f_1}VV @VV{\beta_0(f_0)}V\\ \C'_1 @>>{\partial}> \beta_0(C'_0) \end{CD}\] with $\beta_0$ being a functor $\rset \to \rset$ such that $\B_0 = \beta(C_0)$ and $\B'_0 = \beta(C'_0)$.

Generalizing to a Category

This suggests that we needn't focus on $\rset$. Let's instead pick a category $\CC$ with a terminal object $\top$. Set $\B_{-1} = \top$. The rules of the game are now the following: at time $n$,
$E_n)$$\ $Elizachooses a object $\C_n$, and a map $\partial : \C_n \to \B_{n-1}$.
$D_n)$$\ $Danchooses a object $\B_n$, and a map $\partial : \B_n \to \B_{n-1}$.
What does it mean for Dan to have a functorial winning strategy for this game? To have a winning strategy is a sort of liveness property.

Dan has a strategy full stop iff there exists a "liveness" predicate on states such that

To have a functorial strategy requires a kind of "lateral" Kripke condition in addition to these. I'm not sure what it is, exactly but the intuition is that Anyway that thought sure went off the deep end! Maybe should think more about this later.