jcreed blog > Type Manifolds

Type Manifolds

The point of this note is to ask: are there things in type theory that play the same role as differentiable manifolds in analysis? The latter are constructed as things that locally look like $\R^n$, and we know how to differentiate nice (i.e. smooth) maps $\R^n \to \R$.

Well, in type theory, we know how to differentiate nice (i.e. polynomial functor) maps from $\rset^n \to \rset$. Can we do something with that intuition? Are there exotic objects that look like multiple copies of $\rset^n$ patched together, in the same way that manifolds are like copies of $\R^n$ patched together, or how schemes are affine schemes patched together?

First I'm going to review how we can talk about manifolds, tangent spaces, etc. in some easy warm-up cases so that the notation is already a familiar melody when I come to talk about types.

The Euclidean Plane

Let $M$ be $\R^2$. Let $C$ be the set of all smooth functions $M \to \R$. Note that $C$ is a semiring: we can add and multiply functions $M \to \R$ pointwise.

We define a tangent vector $v$ at a point $m \in \R^2$ to be a derivation, a thing that eats up a scalar function $\R^2 \to \R$ and outputs a scalar, and which behaves like a directional derivative. That is, we have \[v : C \to \R\] and we require that $v$ is linear, (e.g. $v(f + g) = v(f) + v(g)$ for all $f,g \in C$) and satisfies a product rule, namely \[v(f\cdot g) = f(m) v(g) + v(f) g(m)\] for all $f, g \in C$. This product rule is a critical piece of information that captures what it means for $v$ to "behave like a directional derivative".

It turns out that any $v$ satisfying these properties is of the form \[f \mapsto c_1 {\partial f\over \partial x_1}(m) + c_2 {\partial f\over \partial x_2}(m)\] for some parameters $c_1, c_2 \in \R$, where $x_1, x_2$ are the coordinates of the plane. That is, every $v$ is a linear combination of directional derivatives evaluated at the point $m$.

The 2-Sphere

Let $M$ be $S^2$, the 2-dimensional sphere. Let $C$ be the set of all smooth functions $M \to \R$. Again $C$ is a semiring.

We define a tangent vector $v$ at a point $m \in S^2$ to be a derivation, a map \[v : C \to \R\] and we require that is linear, and satisfies the same product rule, \[v(f\cdot g) = f(m) v(g) + v(f) g(m)\] for all $f, g \in C$.

Now for any point $m$, there do exist two tangent vectors $D_1, D_2$ such that every tangent vector at $m$ is uniquely of the form \[f \mapsto c_1 (D_1 f) + c_2 (D_2 f) \] for some parameters $c_1, c_2 \in \R$, but there is no longer a canonical choice of $D_1, D_2$! The possible choices vary from point to point, and there's no globally coherent way of choosing a basis of the tangent space for every point on the sphere.

That is: the sphere is an interesting, nontrivial manifold, as opposed to just being a boring, trivial euclidean manifold like the plane is.

Type Manifolds

Let $M$ be some type. Notice that $M \to \rset$ is a semiring: we have $0, 1, {+}, {\x}$ for types, and they satisfy all the axioms we expect them to. So let $C$ be some subsemiring of $M \to \rset$, the maps that we consider "smooth" or otherwise "nice".

We define a tangent vector $v$ at a point $m \in M$ to be a derivation, a map \[v : C \to \rset\] such that $v$ is linear, and it satisfies \[v(f\x g) \cong f(m) \x v(g) + v(f) \x g(m)\] for any $f, g \in C$, and \[v(f) = 0\] if there exists $K : \rset$ such that $f(m') = K$ for all $m' \in M$, i.e. the derivative of a constant function must be zero.

Let's take a moment to confirm that these requirements actually make sense. Both $C$ and $\rset$ are semirings, so $v$ being linear is a sensible thing to ask for. The argument $f\x g$ of $v$ is sensible: we take product types pointwise, for $f$ and $g$ being "nice" functions in $C \subseteq M \to \rset$. Since $C$ is a subsemiring, it's still the case that $f \x g$ is in $C$, so we can apply $v$ to it, yielding a type. This type is required to be isomorphic to the sum of two product types $f(m) \x v(g) + v(f) \x g(m)$.

The $n$-dimensional Euclidean Type Manifold

We can construct a simple example where the differential structure is globally uniform, which is the type-theoretic analogue of the $n$-dimensional Euclidean space. Choose $n$, and set: In this case for each $i \in 1,\ldots,n$ and every point $m \in M$, there is a tangent vector $D_{m,i}$ at $m$, which arises from the fact that there is an operation $(\partial/\partial x_i) : C \to C$ which formally differentiates a polynomial in $C$ with respect to the variable $x_i$. We define: \[D_{m,i} : C \to \rset \] \[D_{m,i} (f) = ((\partial/\partial x_i) f)(m)\] We can observe that $D$ is linear and has the product property, directly because $\partial/\partial x_i$ has these properties: We see that \[D_{m,i} (f + g) = ((\partial/\partial x_i) (f + g))(m)\] \[= ((\partial/\partial x_i) f)(m) + ((\partial/\partial x_i) g)(m)\] \[= D_{m,i} (f) + D_{m,i} (g) \] and \[D_{m,i} (f \x g) = ((\partial/\partial x_i) (f \x g))(m)\] \[= (g \x (\partial/\partial x_i) f )(m) + (f \x (\partial/\partial x_i) g)(m)\] \[= ((\partial/\partial x_i) f)(m) \x g(m) + ((\partial/\partial x_i) g)(m) \x f(m)\] \[= D_{m,i} (f) \x g(m) + D_{m,i} (g) \x f(m)\] Furthermore we can prove that these tangent vectors form a basis of every tangent space of $M$:

Lemma: For any $m\in M$, if $v$ is a tangent vector at $m$, then there exist coefficients $c_1, \ldots, c_n : \rset$ such that \[v = \sum_{i=1}^n c_i D_{m,i}\]
Proof: Set $c_i = v(x_i)$. To show two tangent vectors $v, w$ are equal, it suffices to show $v(0) = w(0)$, $v(1) = w(1)$, $v(x_i) = w(x_i)$ for all $i$, and that equality is preserved under sums and products. We proceed to prove the required isomorphism by resorting to these cases:


Nontrivial Type Manifolds

Question: We've defined a trivial type manifold, but are there interesting nontrivial examples?
I suspect that if these exist, they might be constructed by gluing together copies of $\N^n$ as above, but I haven't been able to make a construction work yet. I'd be really interested if you could get something working where $M = \Z^n$, or with the carrier being some kind of one-dimensional circle that loops back on itself somehow.