jcreed blog > Cache Types, Part 2

Cache Types, Part 2


I want to organize some type-centric thoughts about small functional programs that maintain caches of expensive-to-compute data, and the reasons for their correctness. Let's say a "cache span" is a span of types: \[ \begin{CD} B @<{\beta}<< G @>{\gamma}>> C\\ \end{CD} \] $B$ is the "base type". This is the actual data we care about, before we start caching anything. $C$ is the "cache type". This probably looks like an extension of $B$ with more record fields, which are the cache. $G$ is the set of "good cache states", ones where the cached derived data in $C$ is consistent with $B$. There may be multiple cache states in $C$ that correspond to any particular value in $B$: maybe we have some dirty-bit bookkeeping which might be in various different legitimate states. So in general $G$ is a relation between $B$ and $C$.

We write $\B$ for the cache span $(B, \beta, G, \gamma, C)$.

A computation $f$ from type $A$ to type $D$, over state $\B$, is a triple of arrows $(f_B, f_C, f_G)$ that form a commutative diagram \[ \begin{CD} A\x B @<{A \x\beta}<< A\x G @>{A \x \gamma}>> A\x C\\ @V{f_B}VV @VV{f_G}V @VV{f_C}V\\ D\x B @<<{D \x\beta}< D\x G @>>{D \x \gamma}> D\x C\\ \end{CD} \] Each vertical arrow can be thought of as being a map $A \to D$ but in a state monad (for store type $B, G,$ or $C$). We can also with slightly more generality define a computation from type $A$ to type $D$, over the state transition from $\B$ to $\B'$, as a commutative diagram \[ \begin{CD} A\x B @<{A \x \beta}<< A\x G @>{A \x \gamma}>> A\x C\\ @V{f_B}VV @VV{f_G}V @VV{f_C}V\\ D\x B' @<<{D \x \beta'}< D\x G' @>>{D \x \gamma'}> D\x C'\\ \end{CD} \] In this case we write $f : A \x \B \to D \x \B'$. Composition of computations is composition of commutative diagrams. Let $\mathbf{1}$ be the trivial cache span $1 \leftarrow 1 \to 1$.

Lemma Suppose we have cache spans $\B_0, \ldots, \B_n$ with $\B_0$ and $\B_n$ both being assumed to be the trivial cache span. Suppose we have types $A_0, \ldots A_n$. Suppose we have computations \[f_0 : A_0 \x \B_0 \to A_1 \x \B_1, \ldots, f_{n-1} : A_{n-1} \x \B_{n-1} \to A_n \x \B_n\] Then \[ f_{(n-1)B}\o\cdots \o f_{0B} = f_{(n-1)C}\o\cdots \o f_{0C}\]
A straightforward diagram chase. \[ \begin{CD} A_0 @= A_0 @= A_0\\ @V{f_{0B}}VV @VV{f_{0G}}V @VV{f_{0C}}V\\ A_1\x B_1 @<{A_1 \x \beta_1}<< A_1\x G_1 @>{A_1 \x \gamma_1}>> A_1\x C_1\\ @V{f_{1B}}VV @VV{f_{1G}}V @VV{f_{1C}}V\\ A_2\x B_2 @<{A_2 \x \beta_2}<< A_2\x G_2 @>{A_2 \x \gamma_2}>> A_2\x C_2\\ @V{f_{2B}}VV @VV{f_{2G}}V @VV{f_{2C}}V\\ \vdots @. \vdots @. \vdots \\ @V{f_{(n-2)B}}VV @VV{f_{(n-2)G}}V @VV{f_{(n-2)C}}V\\ A_{n-1}\x B_{n-1} @<{A_{n-1} \x \beta_{n-1}}<< A_{n-1}\x G_{n-1} @>{A_{n-1} \x \gamma_{n-1}}>> A_{n-1}\x C_{n-1}\\ @V{f_{(n-1)B}}VV @VV{f_{(n-1)G}}V @VV{f_{(n-1)C}}V\\ A_n @= A_n @= A_n\\ \end{CD} \]

We aim to interpret this lemma as saying that the "naive specification" $f_{(n-1)B}\o\cdots \o f_{0B}$ is the same as the "optimized implementation" $f_{(n-1)C}\o\cdots \o f_{0C}$. Nothing in the above definitions really breaks the symmetry between $B$ and $C$. So far it's just a matter of convention that we regard one arm of the relation $G$ as being "specification" and the other as "implementation".


Let's assume our base state type is $B$, and that we have some type $D$ of data derived from $B$ and a presumed expensive function $f : B \to D$ that computes the derived data.

Naive Ref Cell with Push

We can define a cache span $\B_{\mathsf{push}}$ to be \[ \begin{CD} B @= B @>{\gamma_{\mathsf{push}}}>> B \x D\\ \end{CD} \] where \[ \gamma_{\mathsf{push}}(b) = \langle b, f(b) \rangle\] We can define some computations for this cache span.
  1. An initialization computation $\mathsf{init} : B \x \mathbf{1} \to 1 \x \B_{\mathsf{push}}$: \[ \begin{CD} B @= B @= B\\ @| @| @VV{\gamma_\mathsf{push}}V\\ B @= B @>>{\gamma_{\mathsf{push}}}> B \x D\\ \end{CD} \] This takes a value of type $B$ and a trivial store to a store with one ref cell of type $B$, whose cache is already warmed up by computing $f$.
  2. Given any $u : B \to B$, an update computation $\mathsf{upd} : 1 \x \B_{\mathsf{push}} \to 1 \x \B_{\mathsf{push}}$: \[ \begin{CD} B @= B @>{\gamma_{\mathsf{push}}}>> B \x D\\ @V{u}VV @VV{u}V @VV{\mathsf{upd}_C}V\\ B @= B @>>{\gamma_{\mathsf{push}}}> B \x D\\ \end{CD} \] where \[\mathsf{upd}_C\langle b, d\rangle = \ \ \blet b' = u(b) \bin \langle b', f(b')\rangle \] If we had decidable equality on $B$, we could have checked whether the new value of the store was equal to the previous one, and decided to forgo the computation of $f$ in that case. For simplicity I won't write out the details here.
  3. A read computation to read out the value of type $D$: $\mathsf{read} : 1 \x \B_{\mathsf{push}} \to D \x \B_{\mathsf{push}}$: \[ \begin{CD} B @= B @>{\gamma_{\mathsf{push}}}>> B \x D\\ @V{\mathsf{read}_B}VV @VV{\mathsf{read}_B}V @VV{\mathsf{read}_C}V\\ D \x B @= D \x B @>>{D \x \gamma_{\mathsf{push}}}> D \x (B \x D)\\ \end{CD} \] where \[\mathsf{read}_B\langle b, d\rangle = \ \ \langle f(b), b \rangle\] \[\mathsf{read}_C\langle b, d\rangle = \ \ \langle d, \langle b, d \rangle \rangle\] Notice two things:

Ref Cell with Pull and Dirty Bit

Let's take what is essentially the option type $\mathtt{Maybe}\ D$ as a "dirty bit status" \[ S(D) = \mathsf{clean}(D) + \mathsf{dirty} \] We can define a cache span $\B_{\mathsf{pull}}$ to be \[ \begin{CD} B @<{\beta_{\mathsf{pull}}}<< B \x S(1) @>{\gamma_{\mathsf{pull}}}>> B \x S(D)\\ \end{CD} \] where \[ \beta_{\mathsf{pull}}(b, s) = b\] \[ \gamma_{\mathsf{pull}}(b, \mathsf{clean}(\star)) = \langle b, \mathsf{clean}(f(b)) \rangle\] \[ \gamma_{\mathsf{pull}}(b, \mathsf{dirty}) = \langle b, \mathsf{dirty} \rangle\] We can define some computations for this cache span.
  1. An initialization computation $\mathsf{init} : B \x \mathbf{1} \to 1 \x \B_{\mathsf{pull}}$: \[ \begin{CD} B @= B @= B\\ @| @VV{\mathsf{init}_G}V @VV{\mathsf{init}_C}V\\ B @<<{\beta_{\mathsf{pull}}}< B \x S(1) @>>{\gamma_{\mathsf{pull}}}> B \x S(D)\\ \end{CD} \] where \[ \mathsf{init}_G(b) = \langle b, \mathsf{dirty} \rangle\] \[ \mathsf{init}_C(b) = \langle b, \mathsf{dirty} \rangle\]
  2. Given any $u : B \to B$, we can define an update computation $\mathsf{upd} : 1 \x \B_{\mathsf{pull}} \to 1 \x \B_{\mathsf{pull}}$: \[ \begin{CD} B @<{\beta_{\mathsf{pull}}}<< B \x S(1) @>{\gamma_{\mathsf{pull}}}>> B \x S(D)\\ @V{u}VV @VV{\mathsf{upd}_G}V @VV{\mathsf{upd}_C}V\\ B @<<{\beta_{\mathsf{pull}}}< B \x S(1) @>>{\gamma_{\mathsf{pull}}}> B \x S(D)\\ \end{CD} \] where \[ \mathsf{upd}_G(b, s) = \langle u(b), \mathsf{dirty} \rangle\] \[ \mathsf{upd}_C(b, s) = \langle u(b), \mathsf{dirty} \rangle\]
  3. A read computation to read out the value of type $D$: $\mathsf{read} : 1 \x \B_{\mathsf{pull}} \to D \x \B_{\mathsf{pull}}$: \[ \begin{CD} B @<{\beta_{\mathsf{pull}}}<< B \x S(1) @>{\gamma_{\mathsf{pull}}}>> B \x S(D)\\ @V{\mathsf{read}_B}VV @VV{\mathsf{read}_G}V @VV{\mathsf{read}_C}V\\ D \x B @<<{D \x \beta_{\mathsf{pull}}}< D \x (B \x S(1)) @>>{D \x \gamma_{\mathsf{pull}}}> D \x (B \x S(D))\\ \end{CD} \] where \[\mathsf{read}_B(b) = \ \ \langle f(b), b \rangle\] \[\mathsf{read}_G\langle b, \mathsf{dirty}\rangle = \ \ \langle f(b), \langle b, \mathsf{clean}(\star) \rangle \rangle\] \[\mathsf{read}_G\langle b, \mathsf{clean}(\star)\rangle = \ \ \langle f(b), \langle b, \mathsf{clean}(\star) \rangle \rangle\] \[\mathsf{read}_C\langle b, \mathsf{dirty}\rangle = \ \ \blet d = f(b) \bin \langle d, \langle b, \mathsf{clean}(d) \rangle \rangle\] \[\mathsf{read}_C\langle b, \mathsf{clean}(d)\rangle = \ \ \langle d, \langle b, \mathsf{clean}(d) \rangle \rangle\] Notice: