jcreed blog > A Postulate for Internalized Parametricity
A Postulate for Internalized Parametricity
Update! Everything Below Is Perhaps Bunk! Evan Cavallo shrewdly sniffed out the fact that the below idea runs into a gap if you try to show free theorems
for any nontrivial polymorphic type where the type variable occurs negatively.
Maybe it can be repaired somehow? Or quite possibly I'm stumbling down the path towards reinventing the POPL'24 paper cited below. I'm having fun either way.
I had the follow-up thought about the previous post, and though I have no particular confidence
that it is consistent and/or novel, I thought I'd write it down anyways.
Suppose we postulate first of all that there is a "bridge interval"
(to borrow a term of this paper, which I have not fully digested, and which may for all I know do everything I'm doing here but better) type $\I$ that has two known points
$i_0, i_1 : \I$.
From any type family $V : \I \to \rset$ we can derive a (binary, proof-relevant) relation. I'm
going to use record notation and say the type of relations is
\[\rrel := \{ A_0 : \rset, A_1 :\rset, R : \rset, \pi_0 : R \to A_0, \pi_1 : R \to A_1 \}\]
Then we can make some definitions
$A_0 : (V : \I \to \rset) \to \rset$ | $ A_0\ V = V\ i_0$ |
$A_1 : (V : \I \to \rset) \to \rset$ | $ A_1\ V = V\ i_1$ |
$R : (V : \I \to \rset) \to \rset$ | $ R\ V = (i:\I)\to V\ i$ |
$\pi_0 : (V : \I \to \rset) \to R\ V \to A_0\ V$ | $ \pi_0\ V\ r = r\ i_0$ |
$\pi_1 : (V : \I \to \rset) \to R\ V \to A_1\ V$ | $ \pi_1\ V\ r = r\ i_1$ |
And bundle all this up as
$mkr : (\I \to \rset) \to \rrel$
$ mkr\ V = \{$
$\qquad A_0 = A_0\ V,\ A_1 = A_1\ V,R = R\ V, \pi_0 = \pi_0\ V,\ \pi_1 = \pi_1\ V$
The set $A_0$ is the fiber over $i_0$, the set $A_1$ is the fiber over $i_1$,
and the $R$ consists of the global elements of the indexed set $V$.
Each global element can be instantiated to give an element of $A_0$ or $A_1$,
so we really do have a span across $A_0, A_1$.
The Postulate
Now consider what happens if we postulate that
$mkr$ is an equivalence
That is, $mkr$ has some inverse
\[mkr^{-1} : \rrel \to \I \to \rset\]
and so every relation arises as the $mkr$ of some $\I \to \rset$.
Preserving Relations
Next we we want to observe that whenever we have $V, W : \I \to \rset$,
every map of the form
\[ h : (i:\I) \to V\ i \to W\ i \]
induces a relation-preserving map.
Namely, the map
\[\lambda m.\lambda i. h\ i\ (m\ i) : ((i:\I)\to V\ I) \to ((i:\I)\to W\ I)\]
goes by definition also $R\ V \to R\ W$, and can be seen to commute
with the maps
\[h\ i_0 : V\ i_0 \to W\ i_0 = A_0\ V \to A_0\ W\]
\[h\ i_1 : V\ i_1 \to W\ i_1 = A_1\ V \to A_1\ W\]
In other words, we have a commutative diagram
or equivalently by definition,
Suppose we'd like to show the canonical example free theorem that
\[j : (A : \rset) \to A \to A \]
must be the identity function.
We can do this by showing that $j$ appropriately commutes with any
function $f : A \to B$, i.e. by showing
\[(f : A \to B) \to f \o j\ A = j\ B \o f \tag{*}\]
because if that were true, then for any $a : A$ we could set $f$ to
$K\ a$, the constantly-$a$ function $A \to A$, and find that
\[(a : A) \to K a \o j\ A = j\ A \o K\ a\]
and therefore
\[(a : A) \to a = j\ A\ a\]
so $j$ would be the identity function.
Now to show (*), define $\rho : \rrel$ to be the underyling relation
of the function $f$, i.e.
\[\rho = \{ A_0 = A,\ A_1 = B,\ R = (a : A) (b : B) \x f\ a \equiv b,\]
\[\pi_0\langle a, b, q \rangle = a,\ \pi_1\langle a,b,q\rangle = b \}\]
What happens when
we apply $j$ to the type $mkr^{-1}\ \rho \ i$ for various $i:\I$?
We obtain
\[ h = \lambda i . j\ (mkr^{-1}\ \rho \ i) : (i:\I) \to mkr^{-1}\ \rho \ i \to mkr^{-1}\ \rho \ i\]
This is an example of an $h$ from the previous section about preserving relations!
So we obtain a commutative diagram, where the top and bottom horizontal maps
are $h\ i_0$ and $h\ i_1$. But in particular our $h\ i_0$ is equal to
\[ j\ (mkr^{-1}\ \rho \ i_0) = j\ (A_0\ (mkr^{-1}\ \rho))\]
\[= j\ ((mkr (mkr^{-1}\ \rho)).A_0)\]
\[= j\ (\rho.A_0)\]
\[= j\ A\]
and likewise \[h\ i_1 = j\ B\]
So what we have is a commutative diagram
which can be massaged into
as required.